SB 3.25.18: In that position of self-realization, by practice of knowledge and renunciation in devotional service, one sees everything in the right perspective; he becomes indifferent to material existence, and the material influence acts less powerfully upon him
Not just conceptual but application- not just finding the root but watering the root.
"Material influence acts less powerfully"
2 ways to look at it -
like immune system - if 2 people are exposed to the same virus one contracts it the otehr doesnt - SP is that Karma? SP said - if immune system is strong one contracts the disease - if it weak then you get it. Weak immune system mayb ekarma but we can stregthen the immune shystem- what is that immune system - drawing your attention that he Surpeme withdrawing from matter. If that is there then you are protected.
Sat swarupa Maharaj said a story- SP sent him to start a temple in Boston- they reneted a place to stay when SP was visiting them- they took him in a taxi from the airport tot he rental place . Taxi driver says " You are one of the Swamis. What does that mean? You sleep on a bed of nails" SP said "Better than that. I can enter in a room full of naked women and not get affected by that" Thus SP immune system is strong- teh attraction to Krishna is so great taht even if teh cause of atrraction is there one is not disturbed- dhira- one who is not disturbed even when there is a reason to be disturbed.
One lecture series in LA on 6th chapter BG- on controlling the mind. SP was descriiding dhira- when there is cause for disturbance and one is not disturbed that is wonderful.
Justifying "I am disturbed because of them" - how abt becomign undisturbed in difficult situations- how to address that - Kapila Dev is giving that system - one different to duality and it acts less powerfullly upon him
It acts less powerfully - just like time acts differently acc to our consciousness of KC- the heavenly planets to the Indra Gopa germ their 100 years is our 24 hours - our six months in the heavenly planet is 12 hrs. So one year is one day. As you get higher in consciousness you get closer to eternal time- it contracts or explands acc to consciousness. Similarly material energy- or existence- doesmnt mean you live forever - it means that it doesnt act upon you in the same way- in a situation one poerson maybe disturbed but it doesnt affect you - that is being said here.
Back to the immune system eg- if your ressutance is sytrong you will not be affected by the contamination. Similarly from teh purport:"One understands his constitutional position by knowledge and vairāgya, renunciation. Without knowledge, one cannot have realization."
Tendency can be changed by practice- practice becomes secodn nsture- practice that I am a servant- it is actually our nature then it becomes second nature- change of habit takes time and some investment of consciousness . That is one teh behavior side and then there si teachign children to say please and thank you- they may say it but change in consciousnes i noit here- so behavior has changed , but once inside they also develop humility and gratutude then coniosuness has changed - so we cultivate not only the behavior but also the consciousness- it is not easy but it is natural.
Not just conceptual but application- not just finding the root but watering the root.
"Material influence acts less powerfully"
2 ways to look at it -
like immune system - if 2 people are exposed to the same virus one contracts it the otehr doesnt - SP is that Karma? SP said - if immune system is strong one contracts the disease - if it weak then you get it. Weak immune system mayb ekarma but we can stregthen the immune shystem- what is that immune system - drawing your attention that he Surpeme withdrawing from matter. If that is there then you are protected.
Sat swarupa Maharaj said a story- SP sent him to start a temple in Boston- they reneted a place to stay when SP was visiting them- they took him in a taxi from the airport tot he rental place . Taxi driver says " You are one of the Swamis. What does that mean? You sleep on a bed of nails" SP said "Better than that. I can enter in a room full of naked women and not get affected by that" Thus SP immune system is strong- teh attraction to Krishna is so great taht even if teh cause of atrraction is there one is not disturbed- dhira- one who is not disturbed even when there is a reason to be disturbed.
One lecture series in LA on 6th chapter BG- on controlling the mind. SP was descriiding dhira- when there is cause for disturbance and one is not disturbed that is wonderful.
Justifying "I am disturbed because of them" - how abt becomign undisturbed in difficult situations- how to address that - Kapila Dev is giving that system - one different to duality and it acts less powerfullly upon him
It acts less powerfully - just like time acts differently acc to our consciousness of KC- the heavenly planets to the Indra Gopa germ their 100 years is our 24 hours - our six months in the heavenly planet is 12 hrs. So one year is one day. As you get higher in consciousness you get closer to eternal time- it contracts or explands acc to consciousness. Similarly material energy- or existence- doesmnt mean you live forever - it means that it doesnt act upon you in the same way- in a situation one poerson maybe disturbed but it doesnt affect you - that is being said here.
Back to the immune system eg- if your ressutance is sytrong you will not be affected by the contamination. Similarly from teh purport:"One understands his constitutional position by knowledge and vairāgya, renunciation. Without knowledge, one cannot have realization."
Why are we putting our time in understanding all these things.
Haridas Thakur is saying that in order to chant Hare KRishna one must have sambandha Jnana. Many chant for fun to have a nice time(YOga people) but do abominable things - they will not get the full fruit from what is intended from chanting- commonly there is misconceptions of the Absolute Truth, Krishna and the purpose of spiritual life . Thus SP says here : "Without knowledge, one cannot have realization" . - good knowledge you act on it - it works upon u - thus faith increases with that relaization- when you appraoch with stronger faith you can hear more- when we read BG we sunderstand something we didnt understand previously - part is Krishna is evr fresh - Krishna also discloses what we need to hear. The point being presented in the verse and purport- knoweldge is not theoretical it must be applied it has potecny and when it is applied - neutralizes happiness and distress- we get absorbed in KRishna and not get slapped areound by material energy- we decide to not try material energey again we place our consicounsess in KRishna - thus material influence acts less powerrfully.
jñāna-vairāgya-yuktena:Varieties of service . Whatever situation we may be in we remain abosrbed in service and keep doing it. FRom the purport: " jñāna-vairāgya-yuktena: when one is in full knowledge of one's constitutional position and is in the renounced order of life, detached from material attraction, then, by pure devotional service, bhakti-yuktena, he can engage himself as a loving servant of the Lord."
Bhakti follows understanding what is what? you do the spiritual side and detach from the material side- then "paripaśyati means that he can see everything in its right perspective. Then the influence of material nature becomes almost nil. " Right perspective- Krishna's perspective. Who does something belong to? Soemthing that SP taught - do not blame oanother- who is serving as the instrument of your karma-I can blame someone or take responsibility that it is my karma coming because I misused my free will.
Bhakti follows understanding what is what? you do the spiritual side and detach from the material side- then "paripaśyati means that he can see everything in its right perspective. Then the influence of material nature becomes almost nil. " Right perspective- Krishna's perspective. Who does something belong to? Soemthing that SP taught - do not blame oanother- who is serving as the instrument of your karma-I can blame someone or take responsibility that it is my karma coming because I misused my free will.
Brahma-bhūtaḥ prasannātmā: [Bg. 18.54] when one is self-realized he becomes happy and free from the influence of material nature, and at that time he is freed from lamentation and hankering. The Lord states that position as mad-bhaktiḿ labhateparām [Bg. 18.54], the real state of beginning devotional service.
The real devotional service is the unmixed kind- thus we havent gotten there yet- keep performing the mixed and striving the unmixed and KRishna alone has to be pelased- cultivate devotional service- RG"s defn of Bhakti- anusilanaa- abhyas yogena yuketena continue to practice - follow the example fo the persons- immediately take their association - sadhu sanga we need that.
SB 3.25.19: Perfection in self-realization cannot be attained by any kind of yogī unless he engages in devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for that is the only auspicious path.
Now he is at the top- talking abt the highest goal. In sankhya yoga being presented - there are components of knowledge and meditation. When we are reading those we must remember that without devotional service we cannot attain perfection. Complete detachment from ast indreyah isnt going to be experience without bhakti.
In the purport SP refers to Na yujyamānayā means "without being dovetailed." Dovetail term was used by BSST - it s atechnical term - woodowkr join with one piece fitting into other- becomes trsonger that orginal piece of wood - where material propensity and service to KRishna are joined- e.g Lord Brsham in Sri Brahma Samhita- after all of his fantastic realization he is at the top of relaization - speaks to SPG directly and expresses a doubt- I have this relaization and also have a doubt- I have this desire to create a universe and the impetus to do that was given to him by SPG- he says I will become entangled If i do that- what to do ? this dovetail- connect that with principle activities of Bhakti- that becomes as powerful and elevating as direct devotional service itself - thus mind and senses will not be purified if you do not do that tendency you have - perform the prewscribed duty and think of KRishna. Yeah but this is difficult- my mind is all over the place- that is the assignment - and we commit ourselves to this assignment- that which you are attached to you always think of- boy girl romance thing - whatever they are doing they are thinking of each other.
Therefore become attached to KRishna and think about him - then you will do whatever is pleasing to him- with that let go of the other stuff dont carry your stuff on the back.
Burden of material existence comes from tamo guna- we are not meant for that we are meant for sel realization -
2.41: vyvasyatmika buddhih purport- SP speaks about faith you achieve one thing everythign will be achieved- if I can just achieve devotion to Krishna everythign else will follow - the higehst perfection of Krishna Consicousness complete detachment from the bodily conception of life - cant egt there if you hold on to that. He says one should eb so convinced and realized that tehre is no chance for Sense gratification to enter our lives.
Material benefit is temporary, spiritual benefit is beyond the conecpt of matter- but that is not the ultimate- the ultimate is within that spiritual benefit recognizing who is that Suprem Person and that we enegage the SPg purposefully then it is nihsreyasaya.
Tendency can be changed by practice- practice becomes secodn nsture- practice that I am a servant- it is actually our nature then it becomes second nature- change of habit takes time and some investment of consciousness . That is one teh behavior side and then there si teachign children to say please and thank you- they may say it but change in consciousnes i noit here- so behavior has changed , but once inside they also develop humility and gratutude then coniosuness has changed - so we cultivate not only the behavior but also the consciousness- it is not easy but it is natural.
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