Friday, November 25, 2011

3.25 The glories of pure devotional service:Summary from 13-17

To get to Bhakti there has to be knowledge - transfer consciousness from matter to spirit - detachment from matter attachment to spirit
Duality in the form of happiness and distress - one who is situated in the system of Yoga becomes free from duality- detached from happiness and distress. -

There is advice from all vedic wisdom presented in the purport- matrasparshas tu ... tams titikisasva bharata- one should tolerate that duality- doesnt mean grit your teeth and bear it- it means withdraw consicousness from asat and place it in sat- by this process of yoga one becomes delivered from impermmanenet mnaterial activity-
Thus we must understand the realm of matter and spirit. Knowledge can help on get a foothold the purpose is not knowedlge itself unto itself- it is to distinguish b etween matter and spirit and place consciousness in spiriit.

Text 13:
FRom the purport:
In the material world, everyone is trying to get some material happiness, but as soon as we get some material happiness, there is also material distress. In the material world one cannot have unadulterated happiness. Any kind of happiness one has is contaminated by distress also. For example, if we want to drink milk then we have to bother to maintain a cow and keep her fit to supply milk

Spiritual life is not about becoming lazy- its about placing our efforts in the realm of spirit.

Text 14:
Kapila Dev said he will explain the anceint yoga system - it is doable(serviceable)

SB 3.25.15: The stage in which the consciousness of the living entity is attracted by the three modes of material nature is called conditional life. But when that same consciousness is attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one is situated in the consciousness of liberation.

Jack in the box - kids like to play with it. Adults do the same thing. Senses meet sense objects there is pleasure - and then we get hit. WE keep doing it like donkeys and keep getting entangled - getting punched in the face.

Recognixing that this is problematic one needs to withdraw consicousness from that and plkace it in the Supreme. Thats what KApila Deva is sayingt o Devahuti.

SB 3.25.17: At that time the soul can see himself to be transcendental to material existence and always self-effulgent, never fragmented, although very minute in size.

SP compares the minuteness to spark in the fire- qualititative oneness and quantitive difference.
Acintya bheda abheda becomes a part of the picture.

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