Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sadhusangastakam - Verses 3.25.23 -24- How to recognize a sadhu - Part2

The perfection of Devotional service is made possible by association of devotees. Then we learned what are the characteristics of a sadhu - having that understanding one can recognize one - pay attention and cultivate and let that person become an object of your affection.

A sadhu does the thankless task of impressing upon others the importance of devotional service.- meet with so many opposing elements

One can have difficulties and risk in DS but devotees tolerate that inconvenience and danger because they are in service to the Lord - tolerant merciful- expand that message to so many others - human and animal society.

sadhava- one who abides by the principles must be a devotee of a lord

Text 22- staunch devotional service and renounced for the welfare of others. - test renunciation -e energy, resources, self everything employed in the service of the Lord.

SB 3.25.23: Engaged constantly in chanting and hearing about Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the sādhus do not suffer from material miseries because they are always filled with thoughts of My pastimes and activities.

FRom 3.2.3-6 -How should we associate with a sadhu and what is teh consequence-
Krsna had just finished speaking uddhava gita - and it was the same day that krsna had left- uddhava his life and soul was gone and vidura comes and he says - just seeing you reminds of krsna , baalaraama and all the people of dwarka

From 3.2.6 : given to Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī by Lord Śrī Caitanya: "The living entities all over the universes are enjoying the effects of the respective fruitive results of their own work, life after life. Out of all of them, some may be influenced by the association of pure devotees and thus get the chance to execute devotional service by attainment of taste. This taste is the seed of devotional service, and one who is fortunate enough to have received such a seed is advised to sow it in the core of his heart.

The topic is sadhu sanga- sadhu like a tree and lotus feet of the Lord are like a tre- just like a creeper grows by attaching itself to a tree- the sadhu is like a tree gives support and water to grow for the creeper and the tree is attached to lotus feet of the Lord and therefore the creeper of our DS will grow.This is how sadhu sanga works.

Activity of grlofying through hearing and chanting- is the bhagavt form- from that all forms of service come through- "Ordinary conditioned souls, being forgetful of the activities of the Lord, are always full of anxieties and material tribulations. On the other hand, since the devotees always engage in the topics of the Lord, they are forgetful of the miseries of material existence."

root of any misery is forgetfulness of Krishna- we have  a bad bargain- this body material exience is a bad bargain we got a bopdy and now we are stuck with it- make the best use of a bad bargain use it in service to Krishna - along with bad bargain tolerate the miseries come along with it. Move one - to that which is sadhu guided - real misery is we forgot krishna - we are going on forgetting him that is misery- our reral happiness is separated from us

Why is the association of devotees so valuable?
1) One who is a a sadhu-devotee- they have unflinching mood of service in all circumstances - independent of circumstance - humble service to Krishna- because of this humble mood Krishna manifests in their heart- he is attracted to them - he is ever present in their consciousness and a when a devotee speaks devotee opens their heart- Uddhava just hearing Krishna's name - he became intensely absorbed- he was there with Krishna - but he wanted to serve Vidura and he spoke his heart to him - through sound vibration consciousness is transmitted. Potential of the association where trasnmitter and reciever are both tuned - teh potential of that is consciousness is transferred not just dos and donts - and int he process of receiving that sound vibration one gets even a glimpse of Krishna that is o powerful , meaningful and full of light- darkness is dispelled

What is that exp when glimpse of KRishna is recd through sound vibration?
That is the taste from 3.2.6 - something that encourages us to go further in devotional service. Krishna give a glimpse of Him- that is so powerful it keeps us goin- our chantign is like that until sudddha naama it is nam-abhasa- reflection of the Holy Name and that is so poweful it is retaining our KC- and in the assoc of a sadhu one who had that quality described by Kapilas Dev Krishna is there in teh heart- it is the Shyama Sundara form not 4 armed

the principle of sadhu- sanga is association that xfers from the heart of the sadhu to our heart if we are attending to taht association properly-

Anotehr poetic image given about the heart fo the devotee- is like crystal it takes on the color of that its surrounding - crystal shines - thus heart of the devotee shines radiantly- if there is a desire in the heart of a devotee ot connect with Krishna in the association of sadhu the covering diminshes and teh awakened state of love for KRishna is attained- ikt is more than hanging out- attach ourself with teh sadhu in a mood of service primarily hearing

sadhu wants to help everyone free them from material condition - through method of hearing- enlivening to the heart of ths sadhu to see people hearing sincerely.
Take it through the ear and the magic of hearing.

Kapila Dev's instruction is not just hanging it out it is attaching onself to the adhu through service.

Let the mind become attached from Text 23- naitān mad-gata-cetasaḥ thoughts are filled by thoughts of Krishna  chracteristic of a sadhu - their mind and heart are absorbed in Krishna - we become attached to that association through hearing and applying then material disease is gone.

SB 3.25.24: O My mother, O virtuous lady, these are the qualities of great devotees who are free from all attachment. You must seek attachment to such holy men, for this counteracts the pernicious effects of material attachment.

bad bargain- we got misery while looking for happiness- cant get released by complaining about it- message of the sadhu is to cut the affinity for material attachment and bring to spiritual attraction.

This verse is the answer to Devahuti's initial question.
From the purport -

We have to rise above the modes of nature, 2 nd chapter BG be Xcendental to the modes of natures- which pollutes our consciousness, what do you do- cannot find anything pure in this world - how do we find anything pure in this contaminated world- bring you consciousness to that which is supremely pure- how? through sadhu sanga- a pure devotee is free from modes of nature and it is our duty to seek out

We must become a sadhu - become a benefit to the world- how? by taking these instructions to heart.

Those who are sadhus- do not feel the contamination of the material world - as we surrender to the Lord he reciprocates accordingly- therefore be a kitten 

sadhu cuts with words - message of SB-- cuts bondage of attachment to fruitive activity and its results.Prahlada's perfection - protected from so many difficulties by constant remembrance of the Supreme Lord - VCT's commentary- the fault of material association is destroyed by sadhu sanga

We must become attached to the instructions as receive and follow then catching the glimpse of Krishna in those instructions and carrying it in our hearts

Association tranffers contents from one person's heart to anotehr person's heart - surround our heart by sound vibration of saintly persons then that heart also becomes cleansed and filled with Krishna Consicousness
Association with advanced devotees is essential for those who want to advance in Krishna Consciousness - those who are free from illusion , false prestige and false association are elegible to center the kingdomn of God- So we need to cultivate underdtaning of that which is eternal and by that sadhu sanga- material dualities and lust and bewliderment of material circumstances is removed and thus we become eligible tro enter the kingdom of God.

in contaminated state we are immersed in modes of material nature- how do you get out of the contact? What are you supposed to do?

You cant do something and you cant do nothing - you cant counteract by further material activity? BG message is the process of sacrifice - take this tendency and use it in service- dovetail- karma yoga- then the elevation in Bhakti from the present circumstances to attachment to Krishna- how to free from modes of materila nature?

Association of sadhus-associate with devotees-by KC we will not feel the contamination of being in this places. - Sadhu sanga is a foundational prcnciple of spirtual life and give up the material association. By sadhus words attachment to material existence can be cut.

Deliberate and circumstantial fall down - as soon as the circumstance os removed teh beceome situated properly - then we regard that person as a sadhu- they were covered because of the overwhelming circumstance they became covered but after the circumstance is removed they continue bhajatae mam ananya bhak- should i listen to my mind or follow Krishna's opinion.

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